Friday, August 24, 2007

Some points about work

Navigating between workaholism and hard work, on the one hand, and firm goals and ferocious control, on the other, is often tricky. And it’s not always easy to tell where you are. Here are some signals that you are approaching the inner balance at the heart of discipline.

  • When given a deadline for a complex task, you automatically set up a schedule of mini-deadlines.
    No one has to tell you how to structure your time. 
  • You work according to the time necessary to complete your work, which may end up being longer than the time specified by the clock. 
  • You can close your office door and focus on a task, but you can also hang out in the hall sometimes and focus on people. 
  • You generally have a plan, and you’ve been known to change it. 
  • The people you supervise feel comfortable making suggestions to you. 
  • You’ve contributed to work not in your job description. 
  • You are prompt most of the time.

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