Friday, April 23, 2010

Some Thoughts on Starting something

Whenever one has to start a new project, job, some new habit one needs to be aware of himself.
He needs to understand the context of the situation, what I call situational awareness.

Some questions to look at are:

  • Am I here reluctantly? Do I have some reservations, or forebodings, about this assignment?
  • Am I eager to be here? Am I looking forward to the task that I’ve agreed to do?
  • Am I puzzled about what’s expected of me, or is the assignment clear? How sure am I of the assignment?
  • How sure am I of myself—of my ability to provide value for value received?

The following questions gives a direction for analysing one's position

  • How do I happen to be here ? (Past)
  • What did not work Here ? (Past)
  • How do I feel about being here ? (Present)
  • What would I like to have happen ? (Future)
With these questions one can analyse the current situation and based on the analysis can make more informed decisions

Thursday, April 22, 2010


There is a saying that goes something along the following lines, and you would do well to put this somewhere that you will see it often. Paste it up where you will see it during the parts of your day when you have the most difficulty sticking to your success plan:

"Do today what others won’t, so you can do tomorrow what others can’t."

Winners and successful people do whatever it takes day in and day out, month after month, and year after year in order to achieve success.

Manage your time

One of the basic question is how to get organized and how to improve your skills in managing your time. 

I have following tips to offer.

1.  Make use of small pad and pen with you all the time.
We are constantly bombarded by lots of information every day. Our minds are designed in  such a way that to avoid the information overload our mind uses a filtering mechanism.So instead of depending on our very selective memory, an improvement would be to depend on a piece of paper instead.

2. Make sure you enter the appointment as soon as you have it
The moment you fix an appointment or are asked to attend a meeting, jot it down in the pad. 

3. Write down important stuff.
Each time you need to do something or want someone to do something for you write it down in a book along with the date and the time. It can provide significant improvement. With this people will start respecting you as a organized person. 

4. Organize the contact information.
Each time someone gives you his or her telephone number, immediately enter it into your organizer, the name, number and any other vital information of this person.

5. Use the backside of business cards to help your memory.
Normally when we meet someone we exchange business cards. The business card contains the name of the person, his or her telephone number and probably the name of the firm for which the person works. The ideal thing to do would be to note a few points about the person and probably the reason for meeting him or her and the place as well. This will certainly reduce the burden on your memory. This will help you in becoming a more organized person and improve your relationships.

6. File away the business cards properly.
Make sure that the business cards you collected and organize them properly. Take care to read them properly and perhaps keep the cards of important people separately. If you do not find much use for a person’s card, file it an a box marked “unlikely needed” or simply toss it. This will make you a more organized person

7. Prepare a to-do list everyday.
It is important to create to-do lists in getting yourself organized thus improving your time management. It is probably the most sensible thing a busy person could do.

8. Plan what you have to do well in advance.
In order to make positive changes to our lives and have greater success and happiness, there are many self improvement books, audio programs, seminars and coaching programs that can help enormously.
For staying organized, it is a good idea to have daily, weekly and monthly plans for the activities of your business and yourself personally as well. This will improve your ability to manage your time.

9. Have a fixed Time Table
A fixed time for everything would help you move forward on many routine tasks. Believe me it really helps because in this way, you will have time for everything and everything can be done in the time allotted for it.

Follow these nine tips and you are well on your way to get more organized person.