Whenever one has to start a new project, job, some new habit one needs to be aware of himself.
He needs to understand the context of the situation, what I call situational awareness.
He needs to understand the context of the situation, what I call situational awareness.
Some questions to look at are:
- Am I here reluctantly? Do I have some reservations, or forebodings, about this assignment?
- Am I eager to be here? Am I looking forward to the task that I’ve agreed to do?
- Am I puzzled about what’s expected of me, or is the assignment clear? How sure am I of the assignment?
- How sure am I of myself—of my ability to provide value for value received?
The following questions gives a direction for analysing one's position
- How do I happen to be here ? (Past)
- What did not work Here ? (Past)
- How do I feel about being here ? (Present)
- What would I like to have happen ? (Future)
With these questions one can analyse the current situation and based on the analysis can make more informed decisions